Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nursing Stereotypes

The SEXY nurse
The Battleaxe
Nurses as an assistant to Doctors

Nurses on TV and in Movies

Nurse Betty (2000) Movie starring Renee Zellweger

Hawthorne (2009) TV starring Jada Picket Smith

Nurse Jackie (2009) TV starring Edie Falco

Mercy (2009-2010) TV - show about combat nurses return from Iraq and has male nurses as well

Grey's Anatomy introduced a male nurse "Nurse Tyler"


From Nursing: The Finest Art: An Illustrated History 3rd Edition by M. Patricia Donahue, Ph.D, RN, FAAN

·      The Origin of Nursing
o   Nursing as a separate occupation is not well documented during this period. The following is generally known:
§  Midwives accepted as specialists to women in childbirth
§  Children’s nurses given some distinction in some cultures
§  Priestesses believed to have performed functions that are now recognized as nursing functions
§  Men as well as women function as caregivers
§  Details of nursing principles and practices given in ancient writings
§  Nurse, pharmacist, and physician recorded in ancient Greek mythology
o   250 BC
§  World’s first nursing school founded in India, but only men are considered “pure” enough to become nurses
·      Nursing in a Christian World
o   1-500
§  Rise of religious and social movements lead to systemic development of nursing
§  Patients in large numbers cared for by deaconesses, windows, Roman matrons, and other followers of Christ’s precepts
o   60
§  Phebe (Phoebe) credited as first visiting nurse and  deaconess
o   300
§  Parabolani Brotherhood founded
o   347-404
§  St. Paula establishes monasteries and a hospital in Bethlehem
o   390
§  Fabiola establishes first free Christian hospital in Rome
o   410
§  St. Marcella, considered first nurse educator, dies
o   End of 6th Century
§  St.. Dymphna organizes plan for mentally ill and retarded in Belgium
o   500-600
§  Monks and nuns serve as nurses
§  Nursing and charitable works develop in monasteries under famous abbesses
o   500-1000
§  Feudal chivalry brings nursing careers to highborn ladies outside of monasteries
o   700
§  Monastic nursing orders flourish
o   1000-1500
§  Midwives, not physicians, deliver infants
§  Rich period of nursing saints and mystics
o   1095
§  Antonines founded and devoted to sufferers of “St. Anthony’s Fire”
o   1096-1272
§  Military nursing orders (Knights Hospitallers) carry chief burden of nursing
o   C. 1100
§  The Beguines movement begins
o   1170-1221
§  St. Dominic establishes Order of Preachers and other orders involved with nursing
o   1182-1226
§  St. Francis of Assisi establishes three religious orders involved with nursing
o   1194-1253
§  St. Clare of Assisi, abbess of Poor Clares
o   1207-1231
§  St. Elizabeth of Hungry, patron saint of nursing
o   1244
§  Misericardia functions primarly as volunteer ambulance society
o   1346-1381
§  St Catherine of Siena, hospital and visiting nurse
o   1348
§  Alexian Brothers form to care for bubonic plague victims
o   1400 Great extension of nursing by secular orders occurs
·      Nursing in Transition
o   1538
§  Jean Ciudad (John of God) founded Brothers of St. John of God in Spain
o   1550-1614
§  St. Camillus De Lellis founds Nursing Order of Ministers of the Sick
o   1550-1850
§  “Dark Period of Nursing”
o   1576-1660
§  St. Vincent de Paul founds Dames de Charite
o   1633
§  Sisters of Charity founded
o   1634
§  St. Louise de Marillac becomes first Sister of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
o   1809
§  Mother Elizabeth Seton establishes Sisters of Charity in America
o   1815
§  Mother Mary Aikenhead establishes order of Sister of Charity in Ireland
o   1820-1910
§  Florence Nightingale, pioneer and founder of modern nursing
o   1836
§  Deaconess Institute, Kaiserwerth, established
o   1840
§  Elizabeth Fry establishes Society of Protestant Sisters of Charity as visiting nurses
o   1844
§  Dickens’Martin Chuzzlewiti depicts nursing conditions through characters of Sairey Gamp and Betsy Prig
o   1854-1856
§  Death rate of British Army reduced from 42% to 2% with nursing care
o   1857
§  Longfellow immortalizes Nightingale in poem Lady with a Lamp
o   1859
§  Notes on Nursing published
o   1860
§  Nightingale training school for nurses opens at St. Thomas Hospital, London
o   1861
§  Dorothea Dix appointed Superintendent of Female Nurses of Union Army
o   1881
§  Clara Barton and associates establish the American Red Cross
§  Institute of Midwives established in London
o   1886
§  The Nightingale, first nursing journal, published
o   1893
§  Nightingale Pledge recited for the first time in Detroit, MI
§  American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nursing is created
·      The Development of Nursing in America
o   1606-1673
§  Jeanne Mance, one of the most romantic figures in Canadian nursing
o   1617
§  Maria Hubow, first woman to nurse in North America
o   1639
§  Three Augustinian Sisters staff Hôtel Dieu at Quebec
o   1657
§  Three hospital nuns of Society of St. Joseph de la Flèche staff Hôtel Dieu in Montreal
o   1727
§  Ursuline Sisters arrive from France to nurse at L’Hôspital des Pauvres de la Charite in New Orleans
o   1739
§  Order of Grey Nuns becomes Canada’s first district nurses
o   1774-1813
§  Mother Elizabeth Seton, first native-born American canonized for charitable work
o   1797-1881
§  Sojourner Truth, early feminist and volunteer Civil War nurse
o   1817-1901
§  Mother Bickerdyke, volunteer Civil War nurse
o   1820-1913
§  Harriet Tubman, abolitionist and volunteer Civil War nurse
o   1821-1912
§  Clara Barton, volunteer Civil War nurse and founder of American Red Cross
o   1839
§  Nurses Society of Philadelphia organized for home maternity services
o   1862
§  Louisa May Alcott serves as a volunteer Civil War nurse
§  Walt Whitman serves as a volunteer Civil War nurse in Washington DC
o   1873
§  Linda Richards becomes America’s first trained nurse
§  Bellevue, Connecticut, and Boston Training Schools established
o   1874
§  St. Catharine’s, Ontario, begins nurse training school
o   1876-1901
§  Clara Maass, nurse who gave her life to conquer yellow fever
o   1879
§  Mary Eliza Mahoney becomes America’s first black professional nurse
o   1886
§  Spelman Seminary in Atlanta establishes training for black nurses
o   1889
§  John Hopkins Hospital Training School opens
§  Teachers College program for nurses established
·      Nurses During War
o   1901
§  Permanent Nurse Corps established as part of the U.S. Army Medical Department
o   1908
§  U.S. Navy Nurse Corps founded as part of the Navy
o   1910
§  Florence Nightingale dies
§  Isabel Hamptom Robb dies
o   1915
§  Edith Cavell shot before a German firing squad
o   1918
§  Vassar Training Camp established in U.S.
o   1920
§  Members of U.S. Army Nurse Corps granted relative rank
o   1923
§  Goldmark report issued in U.S.
o   1932
§  Wier Report issued in Canada
o   1940
§  Nursing Council for National Defense instituted in U.S.
o   1942
§  U.S. army and Navy nurses taken POW in Philippines
o   1943
§  First class of Army flight nurses graduate
§  United States Cadet Nurse Corps created
o   1945
§  U.S. Army and Navy nurses released from Santo Tomas civilian prison camp
§  Nurse POWs awarded Bronze Star
o   1947
§  Full commission rank established for nurses in U.S. military service
o   1949
§  U.S. Air Force Nurse Corps established
o   1952
§  NLNE, NOPHN, and AACSN combine to establish the National League for Nursing (NLN)
o   1954
§  Annie Goodrich, internationally know nurse, dies
o   1955
§  First men commissioned as nurses in U.S.
o   1966
§  Appointment of male nurses to regular Army, Navy, and Air Force Nurse Corps in U.S.
·      Nursing in an Era of Change an Challenge
o   1920s
§  First doctoral programs in nursing education (EdD) at Teachers College
o   1934
§  New York University begins PhD and EdD programs in nursing
o   1950s
§  “Progressive patient care” set into motion
o   1950s-1970s
§  Emergence of nursing theoretical and conceptual frameworks
o   1952
§  Dr. Hildegard Peplau publishes Interpersonal Relations in Nursing
o   1953
§  Team nursing introduced
o   1955
§  American Nurses’ Foundation established for research grants to graduate nurses
o   1960s
§  Growth of specialization in nursing
o   1963
§  Loeb Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation established at Montefiore Hospital
o   1965
§  The “nurse practitioner” introduced at the University of Colorado
§  American Nurses Association position paper on nursing education released
o   1969
§  American Association of Colleges of Nursing established
o   1970s
§  Advent of primary nursing
o   1971
§  National Black Nurses Association established
§  M. Lucille Kinlein establishes herself as independent practitioner
§  American Assembly for Men in Nursing organized
§  Florence Wald and associates found the U.S. hospice movement
o   1973
§  American Academy of Nursing established
§  North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) formed
o   1975
§  ANA held formal ceremonies to honor first certified nurses
o   1975-1980
§  Community Nursing Center (CNC) movement begins
o   1977
§  First undergraduate nursing informatics elective at University of Buffalo
§  Computers in nursing course first emerged
o   1978
§              International History of Nursing Society formed
o   1980
§  Nursing Case Management Model pioneered at New England Medical Center, Boston
o   1983
§  International Council of Nurses adopts statement on importance of human rights
o   1984
§  First AAHN Nursing History Conference
o   1985
§  Nursing Network on Violence Against Women, International founded
§  Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) developed
o   1986
§  National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) founded
o   1987
§  First Arista STTI think tank meeting held
o   1988
§  University of Maryland, College Park opens first master’s level program in nursing informatics.
§  Sigma Theta tau becomes an international organization
o   1989
§  International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP) projects starts
o   1990
§  Term “evidence based” first used by David Eddy
§  Magnet Hospital Recognition Program for Excellence in Nursing Services approved by ANA Board of Directors
§  Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library established by STTI
o   1991
§  Brig Gen. Clara Adams Ender becomes first black woman and nurse appointed commander general of a U.S. Army post
§  First Nursing Informatics doctoral program at University of Maryland Baltimore
o   1992
§  International Nursing Center established by American Nurses Association
§  Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) published
§  State Senator Eddie Bernice Johnson elected to U.S. House of Representatives, the first nurse (black or white) elected to Congress
o   1993
§  NCNR receives status of institute: National Institute of Nursing Research
o   1994
§  Barbara Fassbinder, RN, infected with HIV in 1986, dies
§  The Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing created
o   1995
§  Nursing resources developed from Virginia Henderson International Library moved to Internet
·      The Nursing Transformation
o   1996
§  Task Force on Doctoral Education formed
§  John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing established
§  ABC Codes for billing systems recognized by ANA
§  Arista 2: Nurses & Health: Healthy People-Leaders in Partnership held
o   1997
§  National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) established
§  State funeral held in Calcutta India for Mother Teresa
o   1998
§  Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs require all programs to be at the graduate level
§  Evidence-based Nursing journal launched by colleagues in the U.K. and Canada
o   1999
§  Elnora D. Daniel becomes first black nurse elected president of a major university at Chicago State University
§  First practice doctoral program opened at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
§  The International Centre for Nursing Ethics launched at the University of Surrey
·      A Global View of Nursing and Health Care
o   2006
§  TIGER Summit convenes
§  Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice is endorsed by AACN
§  International Centre for Human Resources in Nursing (ICHRN) is established
o   2007
§  Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future relaunches
o   2008
§  The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice revised and approved by AACN
§  The World Health Organization Family of International Classificaions (WHO-FICP) approves the addition of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) to the WHO-FIC as a related terminology
o   2009
§  International Nurses Day focus is Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Care Innovations